

The Grey Cashmere Dress Overcoat
Michael Bettencourt | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comWhat to call this feeling, this "fitness"? Perhaps just that: fitness. Rightness. Something that pokes through the buffer layer of abstractions and metaphors.
Michael Bettencourt

Cooking, Cigarettes and Love
Arthur Danin Adler | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comNot only to be totally banned, it will be bannered as the ultimate crime against the state, against humanity, against gods and goddesses everywhere.
Arthur Danin Adler

Wednesday morning pick up
Claudine Jones | Scene4 MagazineWhat do you say when you don't have anything to say?
Reaching a sort of unprecedented level of energy and then burning through all or most of it.

Claudine Jones

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head
The Story Behind A Pop Classic

Les Marcott | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comThe song reached number one on the U.S. pop charts in January of 1970.  Bacharach and David were honored with an Oscar for best original song.
Les Marcott

Gregory Luce | Scene4 MagazineWoodman exhibits a novelist's eye
for the telling detail and a poet's gift
for rich language.

Gregory Luce

Prima Facie
Patrick Walsh | Scene4 MagazineMy face — imperfect forger, now I know the way you work:
Each day you replicate the cells that were yourself,
Tiny, detailed batches and almost every one matches.

Patrick Walsh



November 2021

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