Scene4 Magazine: Patrick Nagel - It's In The Eyes! - June 2012

"Like some of the old print masters (Toulouse-Lautrec and Bonnard, for example), Nagel was influenced by the Japanese woodblock print, with figures silhouetted against a neutral background, with strong areas of black and white, and with bold line and unusual angles of view. He handled colors with rare originality and freedom; he forced perspective from flat, two-dimensional images; and he kept simplifying, working to get more across with fewer elements. His simple and precise imagery is also reminiscent of the art-deco style of the 1920s and 1930s- with its sharp linear treatment, geometric simplicity, and stylization of form " - Elena G. Millie, curator of the poster collection at the Library of Congress.

A phenomenally successful commercial artist and painter, Nagel's work ranged over the spectrum of media illustration, advertising, print magazine illustration, and even record albums. His cover for Duran Duran's double-platinum Rio was a sensation. His work retains a strong influence on 21st century illustration and digital photography.

Nagel's legacy is iconic in two ways:
The paper-white skin of a 'Nagel Woman' with a minimum of shaping strokes and unusual color perspectives, and the eyes... a mirroring depth of shape framed with a squared outside line.

Patrick Nagel died in 1984 at the age of 38.

 -Arthur Meiselman

Scene4 Magazine-inSight

June 2012


Images courtesy and copyright of the Patrick Nagel Estate.

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©2012 Arthur Meiselman
©2012 Publication Scene4 Magazine

Arthur Meiselman is a playwright, writer and the Editor of Scene4.
He also directs the Talos Ensemble and produces for Aemagefilms

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Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media


June 2012

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