Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media:

March 2013

Scene4 Magazine - This Issue - "Dance" | March 2013 |


Red Rover, Red Rover
Michael Bettencourt
Scene4 Magazine: Michael Bettencourt | www.scene4.comNo, this does not refer to the game but to an episode of The Mentalist which, at least for a pretty mainstream police procedural, raised itchy questions about revenge, torture, and justice.

Blue Eyes at Night
 Arthur Meiselman
Scene4 Magazine: Arthur Meiselman |
Two questions,
seemingly unrelated and then again, not
 What If This Is All There Is? and
 Whatever Happened To Martin Brest?

I Like the Quiet
Nathan Thomas

Scene4 Magazine: Nathan Thomas | On a Thursday I taught three courses and then rehearsed the Storm Scene from King Lear that evening.  I could barely croak by the end.  I've had laryngitis before, but not like this.

Right Wing Folk Music
Les Marcott

Scene4 Magazine: Les Marcott | www.scene4.comEven with the recent reexamination of right wing folk music, the movement will not be treated kindly by musical historians and deservedly so.

Tu m'agaces
Claudine Jones

Scene4 Magazine: Claudine Jones | I get myself on a raging torrent of disappointment with award shows—nominations, creative differences, artistic aims, politics—and then I climb up the muddy bank & rest my weary head & dismiss it all.

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Scene4 Magazine: "Amour" reviewed by Miles David Moore | March 2013

FILM (reviews)
Silver Linings Playbook

Movies featuring elderly characters tend to be at least slightly rose-tinted, the better to reassure audiences.None, however, has been as unsparing as Michael Haneke's Amour.
Miles David Moore

Scene4 Magazine: John Neumeier's "Nijinsky" reviewed by Catherine Conway Honig | March 2013 |

John Neumeier's Nijinsky

The cast included a total of about fifty beautifully trained dancers. Yes: fifty! I may be reading far too much into it; it may simply be that Neumeier likes to look at men in various states of undress.
Catherine Conway Honig

Scene4 Magazine - Joffrey Ballet - the Green Table | reviewed by Renate Stendhal | March 2013 |

If a Body Could Grimace

Body-Torture Modernism and Classic Masterpieces by the Joffrey Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago.
Renate Stendhal

Poetry In Red Dress
What happens when four writers, two from the East Coast of the United States and two from the West Coast, agree to unite their poetry with the purpose of showcasing Gertrude Stein and Muriel Rukeyser?
Karren Alenier

Seventy-Fifth Anniversary for a Town That Never Dies
Dear Mr. Thornton Wilder,
 Mea culpa!  Until this year,
I thought you were a renowned, but conventional playwright and novelist
Kathi Wolfe

Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom |
Scene4 Magazine: The Arts of Thailand - "Silent Wish" - Pearpong Khiriwong | Janine Yasovant | March 2013 |
Scene4 Magazine: Kathi Wolfe - Life Among The Heffalumps | Scene4 Magazine: Comics - "My Old Man - Breakfast of Champions!" | Elliot Feldman | March 2013 |

Silent Wish
Pearapong Khiriwong

My initial work involves finding a unique symbol that means making merits or beneficial things for this world. The symbol I selected was a white paper crane.
Janine Yasovant
คลิกเพื่ออ่านบทความนี้ เป็นภาษาไทย

My Old Man!
Breakfast of Champions

An ongoing series by
Scene4's resident mad cartoonist

Elliot Feldman


Scene4 Magazine — inSight - Views and Perspective on the Arts
Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | Postcards from the Cyclades - The Photography of Jon Rendell | March 2013 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | Postcards from the Cyclades - The Photography of Jon Rendell | March 2013 |

Postcards from the Cyclades
The Photography of Jon Rendell

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - Views and Perspective on the Arts
Scene4 Magazine: The Art of David Wiley - "Fertility in Chaos" | March 2013 |

Fertility in Chaos/In Vivo In Vitro
The Art of David Wiley



Memorial?  Harriet Halliday Renaud
It was only when the pain finally took over that I knew I had to realize something: that I had skipped some necessary piece of information about our lives. 

The Disintegrating Man  Sanjeev Mohan
This was too much! He had not complained when he had been transported into the nightmare world of Tolkien and Spielberg. But he certainly resented having the denizens of that macabre milieu following him around. 


No Sacrificial Lamb  Griselda Steiner
Carmen's Wish Comes True
From the musical Hypatia  


Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Dialogue | Undress Me | Michael Bettencourt | March 2013 | www.scene4.comUndress Me  Michael Bettencourt
In a bar, Laura turns to Stefan and asks him to undress her by word of mouth, in his best mother tongue.

Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Dialogue | The Greed Gene | Michael Bettencourt | March 2013 | www.scene4.comThe Greed Gene  Michael Bettencourt
A young couple is told by their genetic counselor — the "genie of genes" — that their child has the greed gene, and there is nothing they can do to stop the expression of the gene. What are they going to do?


Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Audio | Theatre Thoughts  | Michael Bettencourt | March 2013 | www.scene4.comTheatre Thoughts 
Eros on the Escalator
Drama can happen on the contra-flow of escalators.
Art vs Commerce
If you're not selling something, it's not art.





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Letters to the Editor

Q for "quick" - long and short reviews on theatre and film

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Que Pasa
Notices, announcements and coming attractions

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Karren Alenier
The Dresser addresses what's
underneath the art

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Miles David Moore
Thoughts and observations
from, to, for or against

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Les Marcott
Dr. Barnabus T. Bynum's
Travelling Minstrel Show

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Scene4 Books
Coming in April...

Scene4 Books and AviarPress will publish the authorized version of Lester Cole's HOLLYWOOD RED

Hollywood Red - The Autobiography of Lester Cole - published in April 2013 by Scene4 Books and AviarPress |

One of the founders of the Screenwriters Guild (now the WGA) and the most unrelenting and outspoken member of the blacklisted "Hollywood Ten", Lester Cole was a protege of the legendary Cecil B. DeMille, a roommate of Cary Grant, a pal of Humphrey Bogart, a gadfly to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and then there were... the women in his life.

 Cary-Grant-cr Richard-Nixon-and-HUAC-cr Ronald-Reagan-cr

Scene4 Books is proud to offer the authorized reprint of this controversial autobiography. Timely! Provocative! Startling! Now, after 32 years, a witness to the nightmare of what we did and what we almost did again.

Few Americans remember the dark days of the House Un-American Activities Committee. From 1938 to 1975 it traveled like a carnival throughout the country, breaking up families, turning friends into enemies, destroying reputations and lives. This is the intimate, inside story of one of the "Hollywood Ten", screenwriters and directors jailed for defying HUAC's nightmare of enforced orthodoxy.

"...the best 'inside' book yet about Hollywood under HUAC, a book that brings the whole period, and what came before and after, into frightening clarity, but also a book that is moving, exciting, funny and blessed with humanity."

— Carl Foreman, Director and Screenwriter whose films include High Noon, The Bridge On The River Kwai, Guns of Navarone, Young Man With A Horn.

Click Here for More

Inexpensive, easy to read, Scene4 Books employs the latest Ebook technology to bring your reading experience as close to the printed page as possible. Most of these editions even offer the capability to print them on your own printer, if you so desire.

The catalog features:

PLAYS-ready for production

 Now available for Kindle at Amazon:

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In This Issue

The Idea

F. Scott Fitzgerald, before dying, receives a visit from one of his characters, Pat
Hobby, the screenwriter. The two begin a discussion about the fate of each one. In a
delirium-requiem, the plot is constructed with Fitzgerald battling his own idea.


Altenir Silva



From the Archives

Special Issues

Everything Old
Is New Again
January 2013 Click Here

What Is Obscenity and What's Not?
January 2012 Click Here

A Brief But Quirky
History of the Arts
January 2011 Click Here

The Rising Fall of the Arts
January 2010 Click Here

The One
January 2009 Click Here

What Is Art? / 2008
January 2008 Click Here

View of the Arts/2007
January 2007 Click Here

The Art of Sex in the Arts
February 2006 Click Here

State of the Art of the Arts
October 2005 Click Here

Scene4 Magazine: American Cinema's Original Sin | Miles David Moore | January 2009 |
Scene4 Magazine: Performance Art - Laurie Anderson | reviewed by Karren Alenier | December 2010 |

American Cinema's Original Sin
When you're asked to choose the most influential film of the last hundred years, essentially you're being asked to choose the most influential film of all time.

Miles David Moore
January 2009

Performance Art
Performance artist Laurie Anderson and her male alter ego Fenway Bergamot parsed unsolvable mysteries through a chain of questions and stories in her performance piece Delusion.
Karren Alenier
December 2010

Special Indexes in the Archives

The Steiny Road to Operadom
Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom |
A complete index of all of Karren Alenier's columns in Scene4 with links.

Click Here for Access

Scene4 Magazine: Comics | Elliot Feldman |
A complete index
of all of Elliot Feldman's
comics in Scene4
with links.

Click Here for Access

Film Reviews
Scene4 Magazine: Film Reviews | Miles David Moore |
A complete index of
the film reviews
by Scene4's
Film Critic,
Miles David Moore

Click Here for

Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media


March 2013

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media. Copyright © 2000-2013 AVIAR-DKA LTD - AVIAR MEDIA LLC. All rights reserved.

Now in our 13th year of publication with
comprehensive archives of over 7000 pages 

Scene4 Magazine - Thai Airways |


Scene4 Magazine - Scientific American |
Character Flaws by Les Marcott at
Gertrude Stein-In Words and Pictures - Renate Stendhal