August 2005 | This Issue


Scene4  Nathan Thomas, Michael Bettencourt, Danin Adler, Claudine Jones, Ned Bobkoff, Martin Challis, Andrea Kapsaski, Andréa Carvalho

Nathan Thomas
From the Critic's Chair. . . .
Perhaps I'm wrong.  Perhaps the American theatre is
 bolder than I make it out to be.  But I don't think so

Arthur Meiselman
Dancing in the Dark
That wondrous window of audio alchemy that vibrated a body from
 coccyx to fontanel. Radio was our "Starship Enterprise"

Ned Bobkoff
The War of Special Effects

Loading the dice with Special Effects doesn't require much acting, but it does demand emotionally distraught reacting


Michael Bettencourt
Fee'd to Death

I find cash prizes not only ridiculous (they're hardly ever enough to make a dent in anything) but also subversive of the artistic process

Claudine Jones
To Teach

Here is where I first experienced confidence in my ability on stage, a bit of a chicken & egg proposition, I suppose

Andréa Carvalho
Evoé Tá na Rua!
Theatre is dead, the song is dead, words are dead,
writers are alone, the audience is empty.

Evoé Tá na Rua!
O teatro está morto, a canção está morta, as palavras estão mortas, os escritores estão sozinhos, a platéia está vazia



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