This is a tribute to eight actors, eight good actors who came together earlier this year, under contract, to develop a new Talos Ensemble production of Medea Noir. They worked with a merger of theatre and film, and they worked consistently for a steady three months. They consented to an engrossing, detailed and confrontational process that harbored a fundamental respect for each of them as an individually talented and crafted actor and they returned that respect by creating a unique and uncommon performance. It was an unusual and rarified experience for everyone involved... and it was these eight actors who made it happen. They are...
the stuff of theatre!         
Arthur Meiselman, Director, Talos Ensemble

A Tribute to
Eight Actors
Lia Beachy
Edward Sorrell
Yulia Yemelin
Donald Meehan
Carrie Barber
Keith Williams
Jennifer Goff
Christa Ray


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International Magazine of Theatre, Film & Media