Scene4-Internal Magazine of Arts and Culture
Listening | David Wiley | Scene4 Magazine - December 2017 |


The Art of David Wiley

Focal Point

I wish that all the faces and the voices
of the past would gather like crystals
around a pure sound and form a tapestry
I could sit and gaze at forever.

Once in the middle of the night in Mexico,
three days after Mardi Gras, a voice
called my name, just my name that was all.
Since then I've been listening in the dark.

Having ravaged the landscape periodically
like a one-man horde of  barbarians,
I wonder what survives on that surface.
Does a tree grow there?

When I cease my explorations will it be
at that spot, that very spot? A place
that doesn't change is filled with spirits.
Whether the spirits are there
because the place doesn't change
or vice versa I don't know

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Scene4 Magazine - David Wiley |

David Wiley, painter-poet, exhibits throughout
California and abroad. A book about his work,
The Poetry of Color, is in progress.
To inquire about David Wiley's paintings, click here.
For more of his paintings, poetry and articles, check the

©2017 David Wiley
©2017 Publication Scene4 Magazine


Art and Text Selection:
Lissa Tyler Renaud


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December 2017

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