April 2024


Nepjune Sirirath Chumyen

Janine Yasovant
with Danin Adler

"When I want to talk about the courage and determination to be expressed in a woman's context, I think I should start with myself first. That's how I started to paint myself in order to communicate that it wasn't shameful or shouldn't be a leader just because I was a female. We have the right to our own bodies and the right to wear or act in whatever way we want to, without there should be no one to judge and devalue until finally I transcended the fear of criticism from my safe space and into the freedom of self-expression in today's nude art. I hope that I will be able to continue to build on and be a voice for women in the future."


JY. Please tell us about your studies and the inspiration behind your choice of nude painting, the progress of the work and its inspiration

SC. My secondary education, M.1-M.6 from Thong Saen Khan Witthaya School a district school. In Thong Saen Khan District, Uttaradit Province, I studied general science - math. I didn't know much about or have access to art. But I was interested in art and liked to draw since childhood. So I thought I would continue studying art. Therefore I came to study at university in Chiang Mai. When I started to learn oil painting, I became interested in painting people, especially women. Both skin and body. Once I started learning how to use colors, it became fun and I could stay with it for a long time. I liked the overlapping of skin colors, blood vessels, and mass of human anatomy. Studied for a bachelor's degree from Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Mai. Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, majoring in Visual Arts, majoring in Painting and feeling that I still want to learn more. So I continued studying for a master's degree from Silpakorn University, Faculty of Painting, Sculpture Science, majoring in Painting.


JY. Please tell me more about the  stories of courage in creating nude works The hardest thing is to struggle with your own knowledge.

SC. That's it, when creating a work of female nudity. The question stream that often follows is “Is it a picture of us?” “Aren't you embarrassed to write about your naked body?” Sometimes it might be a question that really wants to know my thoughts. But often it is a negative attitude. which if asked Why use a humanoid that is my own body? In this section I want to challenge the viewer's gaze. and show courage in expressing oneself physicall.y Not to mention that I am female and therefore more attractive or more expressive. In this sense it is not what I want. The beauty I want to share is purely human, regardless of gender status. We still have beauty in all human beings. However, today's society's perception of the form of the work rather challenges the traditions, culture, and traditions. In this sense, I refer back to the beginning of my creation. Originally, I grew up in the traditions of the northern region. which is strong in terms of masculinity The status of females is therefore characterized as shy according to the style of literature or stories of beautiful northern women. This may seem exaggerated to the eyes of an outsider looking in. But in what I have encountered throughout my life and studies, I am quite familiar with the customs I encountered. My early expressions also conveyed traditional depictions of women. That is, women are also compared to objects that show their worth. This is different from the current gender in my work. Have your own identity, have your own courage. This was very challenging in the area of society in which I grew up. Yet my work continues to express the courage of women who stand up for themselves. It is not a form of sexual seduction or a metaphor for an object in any way.


JY. Connecting with femininity, many of your paintings explore the female form. Can you discuss the importance of representing femininity in your art? And does this contribute to your overall artistic narrative? Viewer Interpretation: Art can allow for many different interpretations. You will navigate and accept different methods. How might the viewer interpret your nude paintings and what message or theme do you hope they take away from your work?.

SC. The overall theme of the work is about physical expression that can express the struggle against the perception of femininity. I myself wanted to convey a different perspective of the female body than the status of pleasure. In looking only. But it is also hidden by fighting in the eyes of society. That said, women are not always in a state where they can completely express themselves physically. In this respect, the outlook of Thai society may not be the same as before. Women play a greater role in society. But at the same time, it cannot be denied that the view of women as sexual objects is still often portrayed. This is the method I choose to use to fight against the eyes and perspectives of the Samakhom. And my work is part of the space of status expression where the proud can express the beauty of their human status. It is not something that stimulates sexual desire in any way. I just want to invite the viewer to see the beauty in the expression of the true human body. That is expressed honestly in terms of the body, which is something that we all have different identities.


JY. Tell me more about the new expected jobs that may occur in a future Solo show of one's own paintings and their own sculptures. You want to show your work and be accepted both in Thailand and abroad.

SC. Progress of the work from when I was in undergraduate study. I am still in the beginning stages of learning oil painting. Research, experiment and study concepts. The first series of works will be about passion and beliefs and religion that link good and bad about the female body as a symbol of invitation. and provoke emotions to create desires according to religious teachings. As I studied in the northern region, art and culture are quite strong and very intense. Therefore I received quite a bit of influence. But I wanted to create a body of work that moves outside of the cultural framework, that binds female sexuality to being shy and quiet. I would like to continue learning in both skills and concepts. Therefore, I decided to study for a master's degree. at Silpakorn University, Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts. So I learned to research information in more depth. And the body of work began to be strong when it came to painting nude women. I liberated myself from old ideas about women. Creating a nude picture of yourself which expresses the right to express itself of one's own body Dare to face and stand by your own nudity until now.


JY. How can people reach you ?

SC. If you want to see more works, you can follow the exhibition updates via Facebook: Nepjune Sirirath Chumyen ig: nepjune_siri__4159 It will be an update of both my work and the exhibition in which I show my work. In order not to miss it if you want to see the actual work.



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Danin Adler


Janine Yasovant is a writer and art collector in Chiang Mai, Thailand and a Senior Writer for Scene4. For more of her commentary and articles,
check the Archives.

©2024 Janine Yasovant
©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine



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